Highly Sensitive People & Social anxiety
fuh, I'm impressed.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Coconut Shake!
Salam. :D
Hi everyone. Sorry lama x hapdate. Hehe.
Nothing much to say, cuma cuti yg x berapa cuti ni, I am helping my parents kt coconut shake stall! (Yeay!)
hehe, because of the workers cuti hari ahad, so hari ahad, me and my mum akan jaga the stall. :)
Want coconut shake with discount? Meh datang sini, I'll give you. :)
Cuti ni buat elektif, then dptlah exposure on how HO works. well, okeylah, as expected. Lots of things to learn n remember. Really suprised and kagum dgn students from MMC. diorg punya knowledge, fuuhhh. the best. (Oh cik siti, sila sedar diri)
Hm teringin nak jalan2 masa cuti, since buat kerja part time. tapi, itulah, x ada rezeki nk pergi tempat yang nak pergi. hm.. kalau ada orang yg nk sponsor, okey jgk. haha. :D
25/5/2013, first time in my life. huuu (event apa tu.. - x ada apa-apalah)
okeyla, supposedly kena pergi tido.
hm, teringin nak makan makanan korea, tapi x sure mana yang halal. even seoul garden kt melaka ni pun halalnya x pasti lagi.
hm, k tu je. :) bye korang!
Hi everyone. Sorry lama x hapdate. Hehe.
Nothing much to say, cuma cuti yg x berapa cuti ni, I am helping my parents kt coconut shake stall! (Yeay!)
hehe, because of the workers cuti hari ahad, so hari ahad, me and my mum akan jaga the stall. :)
Want coconut shake with discount? Meh datang sini, I'll give you. :)
Cuti ni buat elektif, then dptlah exposure on how HO works. well, okeylah, as expected. Lots of things to learn n remember. Really suprised and kagum dgn students from MMC. diorg punya knowledge, fuuhhh. the best. (Oh cik siti, sila sedar diri)
Hm teringin nak jalan2 masa cuti, since buat kerja part time. tapi, itulah, x ada rezeki nk pergi tempat yang nak pergi. hm.. kalau ada orang yg nk sponsor, okey jgk. haha. :D
25/5/2013, first time in my life. huuu (event apa tu.. - x ada apa-apalah)
okeyla, supposedly kena pergi tido.
hm, teringin nak makan makanan korea, tapi x sure mana yang halal. even seoul garden kt melaka ni pun halalnya x pasti lagi.
hm, k tu je. :) bye korang!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Hm, mahu cari kerja semasa cuti? Atau mahu bekerja dari rumah?
Salam. Hehe, saya tengah cuti skarang, so x update-update blog ni. Sibuk dengan mencari kerja online (kerja??) elektif kat hospital, dengan cucuk2 orang. Eh. Praktis ambil darah, pasang line dan sebagainya.
Ni saya nk bagi tau tentang kerja dari rumah yg sy taip kat atas tadi. huhu,
:D Haa, senang je, tak payah keluar interview segala, tapi kerja dari rumah je. ikut kesesuaian plak tu.
So as student, sy rasa mcm senang sikit untuk kerja online je. dptlah tambah duit sikit-sikit. (Harapnyalah)
Syarat Kelayakan:
- Asas komputer & internet
- Microsoft Office (Words & Excel)
- Boleh menulis, membaca & faham B.Inggeris
- Komputer/Laptop
- Akses ke talian internet
- 18 tahun keatas
- Boleh bekerja tanpa pengawasan
Maklumat lanjut layari:
Dan tuan dan cik puan jgn risau, its not a scam. I've tried it myself. :)
So, just nk kongsi, kalau ada sesiapa yg nk extra money. :)
Ni saya nk bagi tau tentang kerja dari rumah yg sy taip kat atas tadi. huhu,
:D Haa, senang je, tak payah keluar interview segala, tapi kerja dari rumah je. ikut kesesuaian plak tu.
So as student, sy rasa mcm senang sikit untuk kerja online je. dptlah tambah duit sikit-sikit. (Harapnyalah)
Syarat Kelayakan:
- Asas komputer & internet
- Microsoft Office (Words & Excel)
- Boleh menulis, membaca & faham B.Inggeris
- Komputer/Laptop
- Akses ke talian internet
- 18 tahun keatas
- Boleh bekerja tanpa pengawasan
Maklumat lanjut layari:
Dan tuan dan cik puan jgn risau, its not a scam. I've tried it myself. :)
So, just nk kongsi, kalau ada sesiapa yg nk extra money. :)
Thursday, April 4, 2013
him (yeah, with small 'h')
Ha ha ha, surprised surprised~
Ha ha ha, surprised surprised~
the topic now is him which is - him with huruf kecil. jeng jeng jeng
Oh x nak ceritalah.
hehe, please please cerita (monolog entah sesiapa)
Well, well. (smug)
Well, well. (smug)
Since yesterday, or two days ago, since i've realised he'll be coming this week, I was happy inside. Pictured him smiling & smiling & SMILING. sejuk hati nak pergi class dia.
eh, class? (yeah class lah)
eh, class? (yeah class lah)
hehe, he's my beloved prof who always smiling, never look him in very serious face. just imagining him, with that happy face, make me happy n excited to go to class. such a fatherly and calm look.
hehehe, terkena x. haha, sorry siapa suruh fikir bukan2.
if prof jadi dtg esok, mesti best. (sbb td diorg ckp mungkin prof x jadi dtg)
takpelah. :)
k tu je bai.
p/s: please don't expect bombastic & astonishing type of post from me :P
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Warm bodies
Hari ni tgk cerita ni. Hehehe.
It’s been a long time yeah. Keluar dgn
girlfriends aka housemates.
For me, personally I love the story. It’s not just an amazing love story, but it has moral values in it.
How love made a human, humane. :) I just freaking love this movie!
For me, personally I love the story. It’s not just an amazing love story, but it has moral values in it.
How love made a human, humane. :) I just freaking love this movie!
The zombies are not corpse, they are human
that are infected. J This story reminds me, to stay strong and believe in yourself . Don’t
give up so u would be just like the bonies. (the severe type of zombie??)
In this movie, R is really kind hearted
infected man. So I’d just love him. :D
But in X-men first class, he looks different. Really. Mcm kurus sikit. (I prefer him as the zombie/human in this film though)
Okay that's it. If I tell u enough, I'm afraid I'll tell u the spoiler. :P
Nite peeps. :)
p/s: I always fall in love with heroes in movie. (wait, isn't that the way they are supposed to be?) :P
Monday, March 11, 2013
International Seminar on Islam Without Sectarianism
International Seminar on Islam Without Sectarianism
A wonderful experience today, indeed.
Manage to meet Prof Syed Farid Alatas, Prof Karim, Dr Haidar, Dr Farish Noor together- which was a very rare opportunity.
They are great sociologists, historians & political scientists. They are those who are in the same line of Ibnu Sina, Ibnu Haitham, Aristotle - the Great minds who can change the world. :)
Plus, have the opportunity to
listen to poem recitation by Dr Faizal Tehrani was completely jaw-dropping
Coincidentally, get to meet a young lady, with her amazing effort and views in Sadaqah. Subhanallah. A young adult with a big heart.
A beautiful day, indeed. Alhamdulillah.
p/s: Previously I want to be an anthropologist/sociologist. :) (Well who knows our future kan? :P)
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Salam. :)
Well, nothing else to say, its just.. I don't know.
Can't trust friends easily. Sometimes you didn't know what they are up to.
Maybe they are just using you? huhu. How funny and weird a friendship can be.
Anyway, my life is getting busier, day by day. Lots of things need to be done.
Well, nothing else to say, its just.. I don't know.
Can't trust friends easily. Sometimes you didn't know what they are up to.
Maybe they are just using you? huhu. How funny and weird a friendship can be.
Anyway, my life is getting busier, day by day. Lots of things need to be done.
- Conference
- Upcoming campaign & manifesto
- Leadership thingy project
- Sister's night :D :D
- Writing (oh almost forgot. Nasib baik -___-")
- Handling own usrah every week (that's the target)
- Study orthopedics physical examination (Anyoooneee??)
- Read books - hassan al banna, bekalan dakwah and many mooore T_T
- Memorize hadis
- Memorize surah
May Allah ease my way, into becoming a holistic muslim :)
Amiin. :)
Love you Allah. You know what's the best for me!
p/s: guys doakan saya murah rezeki ye. :) kalau ada rezeki, mudahlah sy bekerja lepas ni. :D
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Kelas Tafsir
Sangat seronok topik hari ni (hari lain pun seronok) :P
Kami belajar tentang surah attaubah ayat 111.
Sebelum tu diceritakan tentang Rasulullah s.a.w yang penuh rahmat.
Seorang pemimpin yang hebat, sempurna
hinggakan tatkala di Thaif, apabila nabi direjam oleh penduduk sana, nabi bersabar dan tidak berbuat apa-apa, walaupun di'offer' malaikat Jibril untuk menghancurkan mereka dengan menghimpit 2 gunung di situ.
Dan setelah beberapa tahun, seluruh penduduk Thaif memeluk Islam :)
Hm, lepas tu Prof Hatta ada cerita tentang pengalamannya di Gaza. :) I just love to listen to his experiences.
Beliau juga dilantik sebagai Duta Palestine oleh PM kat sana. Alhamdulillah, rezeki. :)
Semoga Allah tempatkan kita di kalangan orang-orang yang Allah redha. :)
Sangat seronok topik hari ni (hari lain pun seronok) :P
Kami belajar tentang surah attaubah ayat 111.
Sebelum tu diceritakan tentang Rasulullah s.a.w yang penuh rahmat.
Seorang pemimpin yang hebat, sempurna
hinggakan tatkala di Thaif, apabila nabi direjam oleh penduduk sana, nabi bersabar dan tidak berbuat apa-apa, walaupun di'offer' malaikat Jibril untuk menghancurkan mereka dengan menghimpit 2 gunung di situ.
Dan setelah beberapa tahun, seluruh penduduk Thaif memeluk Islam :)
Hm, lepas tu Prof Hatta ada cerita tentang pengalamannya di Gaza. :) I just love to listen to his experiences.
Beliau juga dilantik sebagai Duta Palestine oleh PM kat sana. Alhamdulillah, rezeki. :)
Semoga Allah tempatkan kita di kalangan orang-orang yang Allah redha. :)
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I am not gonna sit down and watch
"KERAJAAN FILIPINA MENELITI DOKUMEN SEJARAH UNTUK CUBA MEMBAWA ISU TUNTUTAN SABAH KE MAHKAMAH PENGADILAN ANTARABANGSA (ICJ) !Salam semua. Dari malam hingga siang tadi, admin baca 5 akhbar negara Filipina untuk cuba fahami apa sentimen negara tersebut terhadap isu pencerobohan Lahad Datu. Kesimpulannya, wartawan dan pembaca di sana menganggap penceroboh Sulu sebagai wira dan kerajaan Malaysia sebagai perampas. 1) Respons Presiden Filipina, Aquino mengenai samada kerajaan
Filipina akan menuntut semula Sabah "Kabinet saya sedang
mengumpul data dan meneliti dokumen" - Phillipine Inquirer, 23
Februari 2013
2) Bekas Ketua Hakim Filipina, Artemio V. Panganiban
"Filipina harus menuntut kedaulatan ke atas Sabah menerusi
proses rundingan termasuk membawa tuntutan kepada
Mahkamah Pengadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ)" - Phillipine Inquirer,
2 Mac 2013
Apa kemungkinan ini semua rancangan mereka?
Ingat, kita sudah hilang Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura dan jika kes ini dibicarakan ICJ, ada kemungkinan kita akan kehilangan Sabah kerana faham-fahamlah siapa yang jadi hakim ICJ nanti." (A quote from news spread in FB)
The matter above is something above serious. its getting worse after all.
If the news is true, Sabah is in a GREAT danger.
Dignity & Islam
From what I see, even though Cobbold commission was done where most of the people in Sabah agree to unite as Malaysia, there's still risk, if the other country is still insisting.
Sabah is a state of Malaysia, and we together put countless effort to be independent, to unite as a free country, Malaysia.
As a Malaysian, I will totally against this matter to be brought up in International Court of Justice.
And as a Muslim, I do not want any state in Malaysia to undergo changes of its state religion. Not at all.
![]() |
retrieve from rasak-laut.blogspot.com Sabah is not Filipine's but it is a state which unites with 13 other states as one country, Malaysia. |
I Love Islam.
I Love My Country
Monday, March 4, 2013
The truth that lies
![]() |
http://thadisan.blogspot.com |
The truth that lies.
Salam, hehe I've found the above phrase is interesting. It can give 2 meanings at the same time.
One of it is quite paradox. "truth" which "lies"
Well.. I don't know, maybe this is what Allah would want me to know. The way, perhaps the sign that He gave me, to think of.
I've prayed that, Allah will give me the best for me. everything, life, career, family. :)
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Running man
Ada apa dengan running man?
Nothing much, its just that I don't have time to watch it. huuu.
Good nite.
(nampaknya melepaskan ketidakpuashatian utk menonton running man di sini)
Ada apa dengan running man?
Nothing much, its just that I don't have time to watch it. huuu.
Good nite.
(nampaknya melepaskan ketidakpuashatian utk menonton running man di sini)
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
New posting, and not so new life
Halo (its not a game, please)
Well, welcome to the new posting, which is orthopedics! wuhuu~
Hello ortho. Huhu, I can't imagine how I'll be doing in this posting, as there are lots of physical examinations. T_T People said this posting will be not so busy posting, but somehow I dunno, seem like not a good first impression?
But after all, we humans, CANNOT believe in first impression. (a lecturer once told us) - and I am totally agree with her.
Well, I'm going to hv clinical posting at Serdang Hospital starting next week. :D
Not so new life -well what about it?
I don't know, something is wrong somewhere, and I did try to find the cause, but I didn't find any. uhuuu.
Well, today I manage to text few friends, asking about tips in ortho, but somehow end up about other topic?
Its about kahwin. Yeah kahwin. -___-"
Ntahlah, if u ask me about future, I just can't say anything about it.
Previously, I said that,"I want to be married with someone who can tolerate and understands me as who I am."
But now I realise (after texting2 with a friend) that "I want to be married with someone who can tolerate and understands me as who I am, and I can understand and tolerate him too."
Mutual is important riteeee. Thanks friend. There are many times, u did tegur/advise me, I wonder, who is the luckiest person on earth to have u. :)
Well that's about it. Whatever it is, we don't have to think about this world too much, because akhirat is waiting for us, and becoming nearer and nearer.
P/s: Rite now i hv this idea of imagination: lepas dpt result final professional exam, keluar drpd audi, cari my husband, then he saw me, n give me a hug!
Halo (its not a game, please)
Well, welcome to the new posting, which is orthopedics! wuhuu~
Hello ortho. Huhu, I can't imagine how I'll be doing in this posting, as there are lots of physical examinations. T_T People said this posting will be not so busy posting, but somehow I dunno, seem like not a good first impression?
But after all, we humans, CANNOT believe in first impression. (a lecturer once told us) - and I am totally agree with her.
Well, I'm going to hv clinical posting at Serdang Hospital starting next week. :D
Not so new life -well what about it?
I don't know, something is wrong somewhere, and I did try to find the cause, but I didn't find any. uhuuu.
Well, today I manage to text few friends, asking about tips in ortho, but somehow end up about other topic?
Its about kahwin. Yeah kahwin. -___-"
Ntahlah, if u ask me about future, I just can't say anything about it.
Previously, I said that,"I want to be married with someone who can tolerate and understands me as who I am."
But now I realise (after texting2 with a friend) that "I want to be married with someone who can tolerate and understands me as who I am, and I can understand and tolerate him too."
Mutual is important riteeee. Thanks friend. There are many times, u did tegur/advise me, I wonder, who is the luckiest person on earth to have u. :)
Well that's about it. Whatever it is, we don't have to think about this world too much, because akhirat is waiting for us, and becoming nearer and nearer.
P/s: Rite now i hv this idea of imagination: lepas dpt result final professional exam, keluar drpd audi, cari my husband, then he saw me, n give me a hug!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Logbook on the way~ (Really??)
Good evening as usual. (oh usual ke)
This week will be my final week in Family Med posting. N tomorrow, we hv to pass up our logbooks (which is now only 70% completed - what the heck I'm doing rite now?)
Huhu, before start studying, eh filling the logbook, I've read few popular news.
Politics: well byk rezeki rakyat akhir2 ni
Politics: Hukum wajib undi ......
Politics (again): Memo tuntutan rakyat.
Well the latter is something new in Malaysia. (Hm nk komen lebih2 x leh, public nih. :P)
Hm.. I'll be involved in a big upcoming project. Please make du'a for me for my studies n also the project, okay?
p/s: I miss writing soooo much. T_T
Thursday, February 7, 2013
A mess
Assalamualaikum wbt blog kuuu :)
Apa yg mess?
jawapan: my planning. Hampeh.
And I supposedly do my part for presentation this Friday, but I've been waiting for the internet to update on 7 Feb. :P (kes exceed usage). So that, laju sikit nak gugel. haha.
Sorry for not updating the blog huhu. busy. (busy keee)
Anyway, lupa nak share the good news, result hari tu dah keluar~
Alhamdulillah, I've passed both posting! Alhamdulillah.
Memang rasa menggigil2 bila nk tgk result tu. bukan apa, I think I did a lot of careless mistakes masa written. huhu.
Alhamdulillah lulus. :)
So bila dh lulus, kenalah kita belajar drpd pengalaman, which is: PLAN & DO
Masalahnya kadang2 tu plan pun dh ambil masa, inikan plak melaksanakan.. oh sgtla byk masa yang bakal diambil nanti.
Its just that, bila sy buat sumthing, I'll make sure I've done it right. InsyaAllah. so sbb tu study satu topik pun berjam2, nak kemas bilik dok tangguh2, sbb i know I'll spend quite a long time utk bersihkan some place, so kena cari waktu yg sesuai, mcm weekends, yg takde aktiviti, mcm tu. huuuu.
Apelah Siti ni komplen komplen plak.
Eh takpela blog kite okeh.
Lately ni I notic i didnt talk much to others, even one day, except at classes or with patients.
I guess that makes me clow in recalling my vocab. huu. I noticed it. Really.
And its embarassing.
So kesimpulannya semua benda yg kita kena mahirkan/pandai, need PRACTICE
Hm, tunggu budak berdua tu hantar kerja, nk compile. hadoii.
salam :)
Apa yg mess?
jawapan: my planning. Hampeh.
And I supposedly do my part for presentation this Friday, but I've been waiting for the internet to update on 7 Feb. :P (kes exceed usage). So that, laju sikit nak gugel. haha.
Sorry for not updating the blog huhu. busy. (busy keee)
Anyway, lupa nak share the good news, result hari tu dah keluar~
Alhamdulillah, I've passed both posting! Alhamdulillah.
Memang rasa menggigil2 bila nk tgk result tu. bukan apa, I think I did a lot of careless mistakes masa written. huhu.
Alhamdulillah lulus. :)
So bila dh lulus, kenalah kita belajar drpd pengalaman, which is: PLAN & DO
Masalahnya kadang2 tu plan pun dh ambil masa, inikan plak melaksanakan.. oh sgtla byk masa yang bakal diambil nanti.
Its just that, bila sy buat sumthing, I'll make sure I've done it right. InsyaAllah. so sbb tu study satu topik pun berjam2, nak kemas bilik dok tangguh2, sbb i know I'll spend quite a long time utk bersihkan some place, so kena cari waktu yg sesuai, mcm weekends, yg takde aktiviti, mcm tu. huuuu.
Apelah Siti ni komplen komplen plak.
Eh takpela blog kite okeh.
Lately ni I notic i didnt talk much to others, even one day, except at classes or with patients.
I guess that makes me clow in recalling my vocab. huu. I noticed it. Really.
And its embarassing.
So kesimpulannya semua benda yg kita kena mahirkan/pandai, need PRACTICE
Hm, tunggu budak berdua tu hantar kerja, nk compile. hadoii.
salam :)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Bila dah dewasa, our needs become different from children.
One's character becomes stronger. And surroundings become more complicated.
Adaptation is important.
Kadang-kadang kita tak suka dengan behaviour orang, tp nak x nak kena adapt. terima. (cakap memang senang, tapi its not)
Nak terima sesuatu tu perlu effort, sbb diri sendiri bukan mcm tu. N kalau benda tu buruk, bukan setakat terima, tapi takut-takut bila dah terima, kita absorb skali. Nauzubillah.
So, solution dia: jadi balik kanak-kanak please. (I don't remember any kind of adaptation happened during my childhood) Tapi semua org tau tu semua impossible. (Lain la kalau ada time machine)
Then, someone said:
"Some things r complicated kalau kita fikir or buat complicated
Kalau kita tkleh be simple, at least we can keep things simple"
Ayat dia atas telah buat saya fikir 5 minit, tanpa buat apa-apa.
Solution: Kalau kita x boleh nak terima perangai orang, x payah susah-susah nk sakit hati atau sedih-sedih. Just we know yang kita tak buat macam tu. Yang penting hati kita x sakit kepala pun x pening.
The advise will come later naturally :)
Oh Siti, you solve a mystery!
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