"KERAJAAN FILIPINA MENELITI DOKUMEN SEJARAH UNTUK CUBA MEMBAWA ISU TUNTUTAN SABAH KE MAHKAMAH PENGADILAN ANTARABANGSA (ICJ) !Salam semua. Dari malam hingga siang tadi, admin baca 5 akhbar negara Filipina untuk cuba fahami apa sentimen negara tersebut terhadap isu pencerobohan Lahad Datu. Kesimpulannya, wartawan dan pembaca di sana menganggap penceroboh Sulu sebagai wira dan kerajaan Malaysia sebagai perampas. 1) Respons Presiden Filipina, Aquino mengenai samada kerajaan
Filipina akan menuntut semula Sabah "Kabinet saya sedang
mengumpul data dan meneliti dokumen" - Phillipine Inquirer, 23
Februari 2013
2) Bekas Ketua Hakim Filipina, Artemio V. Panganiban
"Filipina harus menuntut kedaulatan ke atas Sabah menerusi
proses rundingan termasuk membawa tuntutan kepada
Mahkamah Pengadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ)" - Phillipine Inquirer,
2 Mac 2013
Apa kemungkinan ini semua rancangan mereka?
Ingat, kita sudah hilang Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura dan jika kes ini dibicarakan ICJ, ada kemungkinan kita akan kehilangan Sabah kerana faham-fahamlah siapa yang jadi hakim ICJ nanti." (A quote from news spread in FB)
The matter above is something above serious. its getting worse after all.
If the news is true, Sabah is in a GREAT danger.
Dignity & Islam
From what I see, even though Cobbold commission was done where most of the people in Sabah agree to unite as Malaysia, there's still risk, if the other country is still insisting.
Sabah is a state of Malaysia, and we together put countless effort to be independent, to unite as a free country, Malaysia.
As a Malaysian, I will totally against this matter to be brought up in International Court of Justice.
And as a Muslim, I do not want any state in Malaysia to undergo changes of its state religion. Not at all.
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retrieve from rasak-laut.blogspot.com Sabah is not Filipine's but it is a state which unites with 13 other states as one country, Malaysia. |
I Love Islam.
I Love My Country
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