Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Dream

There were new books at the library, and I've taken a look at them.
New covers, new topics. I randomly picked some books, read the reviews and have a look at the title.
Accidentally, I picked up a book which is written by my friend's mum.
I flipped the pages, and read the biography.

Suddenly this reminds me about one of my dreams in this five years time until I graduate.
My dream is, to write my own book, a novel as a starter.
At least, if it is not published, I have one complete manuscript of a story. :)
However, because of the busyness that could not be avoided, I somehow 'forgot' about my plans.
I already have the synopsis, the storyline, but I did not have time, to get books to do some research about what I've wanted to write.
Well, thank you Allah, for reminding me back about this long-time dream of mine.
Hopefully I will be a writer that could produce a masterpiece that benefits human in this world.


Feels like killing myself.

I don't want anybody causing that person to be sad again.. but today, I am the one who made that person sad.

Hate myself.
2 days ago,
I received news my brother is sick, I myself is still in shock, trauma, fear, lost of my spirit from what had happened that day.

My friend told me the most unreasonable reason why he ditch me, his best friend.
My friend wanted me to give commitment when he actually knows what i've been through now.

Frustrated with no improvement at all in results. Feel stupid shit.
Made someone sad, which is the thing I don't want to do the most. Miserable.

Yeah I am miserable.
Sorry if my existence causing trouble to any of you.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Everytime you feel like you cannot go on 
You feel so lost 
That your so alone 
All you is see is night 
And darkness all around 
You feel so helpless 
You can`t see which way to go 
Don`t despair and never loose hope 
Cause Allah is always by your side 

Insya Allah 2x 
Insya Allah you`ll find your way 

Everytime you can make one more mistake 
You feel you can`t repent 
And that its way too late 
Your`re so confused,wrong decisions you have made 
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame 

Don`t despair and never loose hope 
Cause Allah is always by your side 
Insya Allah 2x 
Insya Allah you`ll find your way 
Insya Allah 2x 
Insya Allah you`ll find your way 

Turn to Allah 
He`s never far away 
Put your trust in Him 
Raise your hands and pray 
OOO Ya Allah 
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray 
You`re the only one that showed me the way, 
Showed me the way 2x 
Insya Allah 2x 
Insya Allah we`ll find the way

I believe in Him.

Hari ini.

I've received a shock news just after the camping. My mum text, and saying that my brother couldn't walk, even stand up.

Friends, please pray for my brother. Hoping that Allah will give us the strength to face this situation.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

CST class

Sekarang ni sepatutnya ada kelas CST. Tapi sekarang dah 2.16pm.
Ha, kenapa? sebab, lab habis lambat. kul 1.45pm.
Ok dr hazian is here.
gtg, bye!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Siapalah aku

Lirik siapalah aku..

Siapalah aku ini
Yang ingin memetik cintamu
Siapalah seadanya
Diriku di sisimu

Kau punya segalanya
Sedangkan aku insan hina
Hidupku penuh dengan kisah duka
Antara kita jurang nya berbeza

Biarlah usahlah
Bermain dengan api
Kelaknya terbakar sendiri

Biarlah tersimpan
Segala perasaan
Rahsia hatiku terhadapmu
Siapalah aku

Hm, saje je, letak. Cuma, apabila seseorang itu jatuh cinta, dia akan cuba gembirakan orang yang dia sukai, walaupun pada hakikatnya akan memakan diri sendiri.

Sharing with you the Thought for Today

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

kisah aku dan dia 2

"Sya, jangan pergi jauh-jauh, hari dah mendung ni." Kata nenek. "Ye nek, Sya pergi sekejap je."
Sya nak jalan-jalan. Tak seronok tinggal dalam rumah.'

Eh, hujan pulak. Alamak, nenek mesti marah Sya sebab baju dah basah. Ha, depan tu ada pokok!
Eh, ada budak lelaki kat tengah jalan la. Apa dia buat tu? Ada basikal tapi tak nak naik pulak.
"Err.. kenapa ni?" Sya tanya dia. Dia duduk kat tengah jalan dengan basikal dia.
"Basikal aku rosak.Aku nak tolak, tapi basikal ni berat."
"Mehla, Sya tolong tolak sekali". Berat betul basikal dia.
"Ko tolaklah kuat sikit"
"Sya tengah tolaklah ni." Sya cuba tolak sekuat yang boleh. Iyaaah!

Tak lama lepas tu, Sya dengan dia pun sampai bawah pokok. Kitorang sandarkan basikal dekat pokok tu.
"Terima kasih sebab tolong aku. Nama aku Amin."
"Sama-sama. Nama Sya, Sya"
Tiba-tiba Amin ketawa. Sya tanyalah dia kenapa dia ketawa. Lepas tu dia jawab "Tak ada apa-apa. Kau ni comellah Sya."
Kitorang tunggu sampai hujan berhenti.  Amin kata tayar basikal dia bocor. Sya pun tanya, 'bocor' tu apa?
Amin cakap bocor tu, bila udara dalam tayar tu keluar sebab tayar tu rosak. Tiba-tiba Sya teringat papa. Selalunya Sya akan tanya papa kalau Sya tak faham.
"Sya, kau tinggal kat mana? Nanti aku teman kau balik lepas hujan ni berhenti."
"Sya tinggal dengan nenek. Rumah yang warna kuning tu."
"Mak dengan ayah kau?"
"Nenek kata diorang dah tak ada kat dunia ni." Tiba-tiba muka Amin nampak lain. Muka dia macam sedih.
"Mak ayah aku hidup lagi. Kalau diorang dah tak ada, mesti aku sedih. Kau tak sedih ke Sya?"
"Nenek aku cakap, nanti aku boleh jumpa diorang, Amin." Sya senyum. Sya percaya cakap nenek betul.
"Betul jugak apa yang nenek kau cakap tu" Amin senyum balik. Walaupun Sya tak faham sangat apa maksud dia, tapi Sya seronok tengok dia senyum. Tak seronok kalau tengok orang sedih., nanti Sya pun jadi sedih jugak.
"Eh hujan dah berhenti, meh aku teman kau balik."
"Terima kasih Amin."


Nenek ada kat muka pintu. Muka nenek nampak risau tapi nenek tengah pandang tempat lain.
Nenek datang kat Sya, lepas tu peluk Sya. Sya ingatkan nenek nak marah sebab baju Sya habis basah, tapi rupa-rupanya tak.
"Sya pergi mana sayang? Nenek risau tahu?"
"Sya tunggu hujan berhenti dengan Amin. Kitorang duduk bawah pokok sampai hujan berhenti."
Nenek pandang Amin. "Terima kasih Amin, sebab hantar cucu nenek balik." Nenek senyum kat Amin. Sya ingat nenek nak marah Amin tadi.
"Sama-sama nenek. Sya tolong Amin tolak basikal Amin tadi."
"Basikal ni, mesti berat. Kamu anak Hashim kan? Takpelah, nenek pun nak ke sana nak jumpa mak kamu. Basikal kamu tu berat. Kita tolak sama-sama yer. Sya, ambil tuala lap badan tu. Ambilkan sekali tuala untuk Amin ni, ada kat dalam laci tepi dapur tu." Sya pun cepat-cepat masuk dalam rumah, ambilkan tuala untuk Amin sekali.